
Monday, April 07, 2008

its 1 week to study week


its 1 week to study week.n ive got a paeds exam tomorrow but my head are too full to stuff more im letting my finger moves without my head focusing on wat im writing.bole tak camtu.tomorrow i've got medical ward i think ill ponteng.i need to go to bangi to sign some papers on opening ukmkl's sendiri punyer pmukm's account.can u imagine selame ini pmukm ada only one acc which is hold by the bangi's perwakilan?that means to do stuff in ukm kl u have to get thru ppl kat bangi,jabatan bendahari which also in bangi,then u need to use ur money first then get the resits then only u can ako cam wonder PMUKM KL ever pernah buat program tak sebelum tahun ako ni?.n usually those ppl adalah org kuat PMF.sibuk PMF jer ker ader buat kerja PMUKM gak utk UKM KL?hurm wonder2..

its 1 week to stady week n my days of medical n surgical ward rounds n ENT clinic,n ortho n sumer2 kat HUKM will over.thank god drg baru nak implement this controversial trafficking system.that means new car park area,new entrance n more bitchy guards.fuh2.talking bout ward rounds,teringat ako once pernah kena halau ngan patient who were having thyrotoxicosis storm.all the prominent sign n symptom of hyperthyroidism were there.from bulging eyes to irregular pulse.meaning she is a gold mine of bedside teaching for the doctors.being on the evening session,she had like more than 10 group of ppl dah examining ako cam dengan badlucknyer,dr pulak kene gi meeting n suroh kitorang clerk sendiri.ako seperti biase yakin jer approach dier.makcik tu tgk dah takder dr,die terus hambur kitorang "woi tak nampak ker ako tgh sakit.korang boleh BERAMBUS tak?" ako dah merah muke terus beredar.dak2 pompuan sumer cam sori2 kat akcik tu ako cam terkejut takleh pkey ape terus satu wad tgk kitorang tau.hahah.memories.recently out of all the student,im selected to enter n watch first hand of penat jer nak explain here wats that but wat im sayin is i had a superbly new fresh experience.


thats me berlagak not sure whether i can publish this.erm if its againts the ethic,tell me k guys n ill delete it.but ako rase aslong as takde patient's face xpe kan?huu

keyla2 i need to get myself back on the book.btw haritu mase nak balik i found this pile of flowers makcik cleaner sapu depan library UKMKL.


its 1 week to stady week n semorang tgh hectic stady n kejar clinic's makcik tu still ader sense of love in the air.sweet kan?im imagining kalaula sumer tukang sapu kat dunia ni buat camni sure longgokan daun or sampah kat malaysia ni wud be a better view.ahahaha.tetibe jer


alialalala said...

dat mkck cleaner sgt sweet~

dan pengalaman dihalau patient mmg sudah selalu terjadi i x penah kena yelled la...

ercp is cool tp penat la n baju tu berat...sakit my bahu

good luck 4 u n 4 me also n 4 everyone yg akan amek exam