
Friday, April 18, 2008

last day of school

tadi ako dah hantar perio's form,KAP(kesihatan awam pergigian)'s form,clinic's case note,folder2 patient,ortho's model,issue denture to patient,buku log ward round surgery n medicine..byk tol yg kitorang kene settlekan ni b4 leh masok exam.penat2.pastu balik tu ako termenung sorang2.yelah seminggu ni sgt byk benda nak buat.can u imagine semalam ako balik kul 9MALAM dari fac.duk kat lab process appliance orthodontic.mase ko termenung byk perkara yg terlintas..

ive come to relize thats actually means exam is really at the corner.ala2 dah nampak skit dah.heh.mmg cuak and this tyme i need to constantly igtkan myself yg study week ni bebetul xleh nak main2 n kene focus.hai..well its kinda hard since the growing bloggin family ni.ahaa

ive also relize that tadi was my last day of 3rd year.aLOT happen this being take over PMFGG.melibatkan diri nagn byk program n jadi 1st hand witness for banyak isu2 di UKM nie.teaches me alot of deal with human,to be lead.


ako jugak enter clinical takut sgt mase mula2 amik patient but skang cam dah tak terkira dah patient with sooo many cases.kire cam dah yakin la skit.insyaALLAH..tak saba tahun depan for paeds,ortho n perio cases.btw tadi pulak ader satu patient jer kat clinic maxillofacial surgery.xde saper pulak nak volunter utk buat cabutan utk dier.dah semorang main that tolak menolak game,ako pun ngan cuak2 volunter.dah amik history patient,dah check intaoral n xtraoral,ako pun present kat dr susan.pusing nyer pusing we conclude that the patient is not fit for the extraction.ako cam berbaur lega coz xyah buat extraction n sedih gak coz i missed my shud-be 1st extraction walaupun dah gather strength n semangat utk volunteer.
dah lepas kelas sumer kitorang pun menggedik jap tangkap gambar


then seha belanja ako icecream.seronok seronok.


dah balik kolej tu ako men volley jap sampai maghrib then bersiap2 lak nak ke KTDI.ttbe dapat pulak call dari bilik jaksa.issue baru.ada student call pengetua mengatakan tak puas hati nagn penempatan n terang2 kat phone ckp dier lagi suka pak kas dari dr Rozita(pengetua baru).sampai nak wat surat to TNC nak betau pak kas lagi bagus.saperla punyer kerja mengguris hati pengetua camtu.ktrang pun pergilah ke K5 utk cari sape tuan badan n dptkan citer sebenar.mcm2 kan?b4 tu ader pulak student ktsn pergi jumpe plaza rah's owner,tan sri ramli n ckp mcm kolej nak amik keuntungan la,komplot ngan the owner la,apela,gila kan?i mean cam berani sungguh peljar2 sekarang.end up ako gak yang penat kehulu takpe like i said itu tanggungjawab n bende2 ni gakla yg mematangkan ako..

k till then!


bajat said...

ib..gambar ice cream tuh kan,is it mcm tak sengaja menjadikan object focus and let the background blurr or ur hand was so shaky and then lahir la pic sebegitu..btw,aku tertarik..

Mat Iyas said...

hmm..budak2 skang mmg! drang xpk org lain susah2 nk dptkan the best 4 them...end up wt hal lagi!

i really hate those yang sgt xtahu bersykur...aku rasa ISLAM ade ajar kan utk umatnya menSYUKURi apa yg ada...

kalo la xdpt duduk mane2 kolej baru tau!susah2 kne carik rumah or bilik sewa..tyme tu baru nak insaf!shit!!

stupidity is stupid!!

aisyah. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
fazrul mokhtar said...

kesian ko ib.. takpelah, duduk lah umah kitorang n rehat.. besok aku potongkan apple utk ko. hahahahahaha

Ib said...

sgt sgt betol! sampai dr roslee (pen pengetua baru) kate kalau semua org tak hargai,taun depan kita bukak ktsn1 kat jalan temerloh jer.yg lain kita xpayah pening n yg xdpt kolej cari umah sendiri.then theyll understand.kira semorang pentadbiran,jaksa,ako n lain2 dah exhousted!tetiap hari duk bilik jaksa =( sedih kan?

n bajat-the icecream tu macam dah ader 3-4 gambar.but tu yg paling cantik.ader jer yg sumer still but i choose the one yg ako jer still.nice eyh?ahha

Anonymous said...

ok, BACK TO MY comment yg i delete...

sbb it was soooo stupid. Imagine!! satu ayat je."wow!"


erm, sungguh ke wujud org cmtu? sekurang ajar i, which normally i am, I dun think i wud la, nk call pengetua kata xpuashati dgn sumthing. Or jumpa owner someone or something. mengadu bsungguh2. if betul i xpuashati i g real channel kot. Not disrupt someone's sleeping pattern, but aih, im not there, xperlu i get emotional kan.huhu

sian u.

sorry,i tot u were asleep smlm, so i text la,cm u bgn baru leh baca. its NOTHING!!!!!!!!! haih. ok, i know WATEVER~~~ tampar la i,xkisah.ngahngah.

ok, i am sooooo penat. gudluk utk ur exam!

alialalala said...

oh my2...sian nye simpati..sungguh x bersyukur org2 itu..kamu mahu bantuan mulutku yg x kaver utk melaser mereka kah? i`m sure kalu bergabung ngnfazrul n iyas mereka pasti terdiam...hahaha(gelak evil)

btw, seronots jua kehadiran kamu memeriahkan suasana perjumpaan bloggers2 buat julung kalinye....
oh dan mmg sukar mahu konsentrasi bile blggers2 smaken aktif

Ib said...

bt all that about to end exam's starting.smrng dah myl anak cncntrate kot.kalau krg nak tau ader byk agi citer2 kurang enak =( dugaan dugaan.hahha

perjumpaan bloggers mmg menarik walaupun cam ako malu2 kucing paa awalnya.ahak.perlu dibuat lagi.

yup ako pun skang cam asik nak bukak net jer.ahaha

aisyah. said...

u knw,gmba pmukm tu kecik sgt la..i cm kna stare at my screen bru obvious..huhuu