i know.the news is sooo yesterday.i mean its been there for ages. yes ppl,facebook has far left friendster putting those small ego aside, i finally opened an account! yaa i know.."baru nak bukak???"
but hey its never too late..
late is better than never..
save the last for the best..
(gosh thats sooo random.whudduuuup~)
k fine fine!! i cant rely convince to u thats its actually ok to be THIS late,but yeah ive got an facebook accont now!huu n im kinda addicted to it.hee.hampir menganak-tirikan blog ini.huu.(touch wood =P (am i using it the right way?))so here, add ako k!
my facebook link
cam biasa..there alooot of thing happening around me.from the smallest thing to the bigger ones..semalam ako balik dad's side in perak.i admit, i was reluctant b4. we were suppose to go back last weekend.i manage to skip thanx to dr shahida's assigment.n so i lepak at kolej that weekend.a rare thing after my parent moved back in malaysia.i tot i could enjoy the moment but after a while..on my way back from mcD for my sahur,my brother texted me n said taht hajar,my younger sister was admitted to damansara speacialist center after an horrible episode of puking n diarhea.mind u it was pas subuh tu i rushed back as my dad said there's no point if i were to go back in that instance as the ward can only accomodate 3-4 why am i tellin u all this?wat wanna say is the trip to kampung was obviously last week my dad insisted we go on a day trip.malam we got potluck buka puasa with my mom's side of family.n so the i-wish-im-somewhere-else-journey started.kitorang gerak dari rumah at 645am camtu.pas subuh.
yeah of course thats not too busy snoring to snap pic back then.huu.after several hours n a quick stop for dhuha, we finally arrive.n it then snapped i missed this place..
i know.the news is sooo yesterday.i mean its been there for ages. yes ppl,facebook has far left friendster putting those small ego aside, i finally opened an account! yaa i know.."baru nak bukak???"
but hey its never too late..
late is better than never..
save the last for the best..
(gosh thats sooo random.whudduuuup~)
k fine fine!! i cant rely convince to u thats its actually ok to be THIS late,but yeah ive got an facebook accont now!huu n im kinda addicted to it.hee.hampir menganak-tirikan blog ini.huu.(touch wood =P (am i using it the right way?))so here, add ako k!
my facebook link
cam biasa..there alooot of thing happening around me.from the smallest thing to the bigger ones..semalam ako balik dad's side in perak.i admit, i was reluctant b4. we were suppose to go back last weekend.i manage to skip thanx to dr shahida's assigment.n so i lepak at kolej that weekend.a rare thing after my parent moved back in malaysia.i tot i could enjoy the moment but after a while..on my way back from mcD for my sahur,my brother texted me n said taht hajar,my younger sister was admitted to damansara speacialist center after an horrible episode of puking n diarhea.mind u it was pas subuh tu i rushed back as my dad said there's no point if i were to go back in that instance as the ward can only accomodate 3-4 why am i tellin u all this?wat wanna say is the trip to kampung was obviously last week my dad insisted we go on a day trip.malam we got potluck buka puasa with my mom's side of family.n so the i-wish-im-somewhere-else-journey started.kitorang gerak dari rumah at 645am camtu.pas subuh.
in an instant all the draggy feelin just vanished in the kampung's soft breeze.seriously.i mean then only i relized those days when i really looking forward to balik kampung.Cycle around n find fireflies.stuff them inside jar just to find theyll be dead the next day,the baling selipar,the kejar-kejar..
the very reason of my crazy obsession to cempedak goreng..
the games that i cud never master..
the delicious meal they make here.note that their still using tembikar to cook tempoyak( n they say its excelent for curry too)..tho im not a big fan of tempoyak,but they say its nice =P.but this, i just cant resist.easily nominated as one of my favourite,
pajeri terung~
in the other hand,ive never seen pulasan this big
see wat i mean?its half of my hand.n for those yg taktau( well i know who u r!! =P) pulasan is a subspecies(pandai2 jerk ako) of it has quite thick kulit,to open it u need to..
duh~ PULAS!!
n the sweetest part is maser nak balik,they all went out so waved us.awwww
im definately looking forward to go balik kampung this dad are organizing a family gathering for the Abu Bakar family..well its not as easy as it dad has 14 siblings.n each of them dah kawin n hav MINIMUM 3 childern.(some 5-7) n a whole lot of them has married n have their own family.n mind u their scattered all over malaysia.tough job.tedious planning.but itll be sooo worth it.i cant wait
n owh btw i got a cat now.i mean my sister have a cat now.but practically he's at home so we all plays with him.
after an over-stretch list of name,we decided to name it FRANKFURT HELSINKI (gile hantam jerk spelling.but thats how its pronounce).but we call him FRANKIE.dont ask me where do they got the name becoz i really dont know.but i recall my dad wants to name it khalid al waled.haahaa.sgt tak seswai to be a pet's name.
erm i really2 want to write more but ntah, ill save it for later la k.(maybe after raya?haai come on ib!! =P).till then i leave u guys with a pic of this man i took after terawikh's moreh.
ok for those yg paham, u may start to lough....
wait for it~
...and the pulasan, i pun know who u meant it for =P
bt tough luck for u, the person mentioned knows what a pulasan looks like (;
i pun miss my kg. nak balik summer lepas, tgk2 dah burnt down. glad ur trip finally jadi.
and finally, happy birthday =P
hehehe baru ader facebook ek,padan la lamer menyepi =P (padahal samer jer aku) best ker facebook?promosi sket..
owh ya bajat, aku stuju, pe kate ko promosi sket ib, coz aku pon xder lagi facebook. hehehe.
nway ib, asal la klo ko wat entry je aku antara yg terlambat taw? iskh2, masalah tol ngan updater aku~hu2..
ok, comments on the entry now:
owh balik kampung mmg best :D coz aku mmg tinggal kat kampung, so tiap2 balik mmg balik kampung, hahaha, raya pon mmg duk kat umah je, makcik2 sume datang umah kami sehari sblom raye, hehehe.. tp pulasan mmg best, da lame x mkn, hehe.. err.. saiz tu mcm da biase jumpe je ib :P
erm... asal gmbar terakhir tu aku xpaham ek? :(
facebook? i don't hv 1 n am not gonna.
who cares if it's the latest thing...for me to go rush n get 1 wud mean im a sucker.
plus dah ade myspace n fs n this bloggy thingy [wich id rather prioritize]..i gs u need em.
aku tak faham gbr tu..anyway,nk tny..ko perak kg belah maner wei?
ok aisya-
erm pulasan itu bukan untuk anda.persan la u.hehe yaa thanx 4 the wish~ hee
waaa stailo giler facebook seryes cam waaaay better than frenster.seryesly. its like u dunt have to spend time bodo2 lookin for nice layout,a hell lot more thing to do.u can even chat thru facebook if ure online n ur frns pun eh
alaa takpe jer lambat pon.tetap setia mengomen.tahnx buddy!!!!alaa pulasan mmg besar2 ker?isk jahatla org kampung sajer jer hantar pulasan yg kecik2 jer kat kl.ahahaha.gambar last?isk pas raye la ako xplain.bulan pose tak baik megumpat.hahahahhahahahahha
ed- its just the way of u lookin at it one forcing u to open one.well the very idea of its existance pon just to have fun n enlighten up ur hell days as student,but if it has come to be otherwise,then xpela~ kan kan?
ala gambar last tu contreversial skit nak explain..erm takut dikenakan tindakan menyemarakkan pergolakan dlm masyarakat.ahahahha.erm kampung ako kat kg dekat skit nagn teluk intan kot.heee
owh..kakaka..aku rase aku tau kenape..hehehe..owh,kg gajah ke..parents aku org kuala kangsar..haha..jauh la kire
1st - aku lama dah ader facebook.. xkecoh pun ib...
2nd - aku pun ader kg, tp x balik la ib (padahl dekat jerk)
3rd - aku pun ader jumpe pulasan besar, x ukur ngn tapak tgn pun ib..
4th - aku xder kucing , x jeles pun ib.. (aku gelebah aper..)
5th - hepi bday la ib..
buakn kecoh beb..bagitau jer sumer so that leh merapatkan ukhwah..ahak..
weii siot btui hg ib,dia xbsalah dow..mati2 dia posing bek pny,still..HAHAHAHAHAHA..xplu pikio pnjg trus ak leh figure out dah..
OMG!!! the controversy....ahhh...the picture...ahhh... OMG!!!! I would do the same dude...will go camera hunting with same 'subject' for my own blog...WAIT FOR IT!!!
Ahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahh!!! Best picture in your blog so far...
darn. i think i dun understand the picture anymore.
hahha!when u askd me 2 check out ur blog,i didnt expect 2 see dat 'subject' lookalike,so i mmg gelak gle2 ble tgk gmbr tu.muahaha!i cn imagine how excitd u were ms nk snap gmbar tuh!ishk ib ni,pg trwih pn smpat lg wat keje cmtu =P
p/s sorry again bout d 'bday incidence'.huhu..n u noe,coincidentally,bkn u je,bt hotlink pn wishd me for my 'bday' few days ago n i cud make free phone calls 4 d whole day!hahaha
hahhaha...thanx guys...tak sia2 ako mengelar2 tgn amik gambar tu..tapi pity that pakciklaa.serious tak bersalah..ahhahahahha
cleo,ko nak pegi cam hunting??giler semangat hahahha.teruskan cita2 ko,i bet semorang wud support ur cita cita murni.ahaa.
alle,act maxis yg msg ako kate burfday ko..ahaaa kemaluan yg besar bak kate dr wan.AHAHAHHAHAHAH
People, kemaluan sesiapa pun tak besar in this matter, except that 'subject' lookalike kay!! Yes!! I am going cam hunting!!! 'The b*&@# periferi project'...hoho..the enigma continues....
OMG...we are finally done with wax up!!! I feel like a huge tumour being removed from my ass la...feels so good.....
eeh. ko balek kampung.
tp apsal tkde muke ko.
ko ni gigam ke tak..
and i dunt understand the last photo.
wats the joke.
go facebook. go facebook.
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