wooo.kemunculan entry baru secara misteri.....
ok fine!! lame joke..recently ktsn had its occasional foggin..
im sorry
im sincerely am.
sorry that i succumb to my lazyness.sorry to 'betray' ur effort to click to my link to the blog.i mean i really understand the feeling u had when u opened a blog just to see its lack of new updates.(lagi2 kamu yg pergi ke cc just 4that,sorry)
its been a chaos in malaysia.my patients canceled his treatment that day coz his father had to go to bengkel.his car's window was smashed recently in permatang pauh.apparently he forgot to peel the 'jabatan perdana menteri' office sticker off.sick.n now for the first time a blog is being blocked.for obvious reason.latest,that guy is now in parliament.n today declares that we're still not truly 'merdeka'.we're being ruled by our own community.great.he's such a great thinker/manipulator?deny all the bloods n teardrop spilt by the real nasionalist (from Tunku himself to tok janggut to Ibu Zain..) n keep coming with these idea.n now the budget is out n it favours the rakyat.all they can say is the budget is populist n tryin to gain rakyat's heart.so now we shud ignore the rakyat n continue on development?he knew that its utopia is imposible n we cant archive evrithin in the same time.Gosh its sooo easy to be the opponent.even with holding the position i hve now,i dont usually talks about politic unless to people that i really really know but im kinda sick with all of these.it can never end until he actually get wat he wants.now another march-up over DNA papers?(ape yg kau takut sgt nie??)n when the police sembur air then ull have another reason to say the goverment mengongkong rakyat.fuh takyahla aku eloborate more.such a bad vibe kate jason.well malaysians,just embrace for more drama.(ps- kenny sia got a point)
its not that i dunt have anythin to update with.god know how much has happened around me.for example now i have another obsession.i can never settle in my rum before i hav a look at 'it'.n i off all the thing,ill have a glance of it first before i leave the room..n now wif all the care n luv ive poured(well water can only be sprinkled once in 2day) it has reward me wif a tiny beautiful sprout of new leaves..
here's the full pic
n really,the time is flying fast as ever.im lookin at my time table n its already entering week 8!! yes WEEK 8.thats 2 month.n my last serious entry was in my 2nd week.kay i dunt really deserve to be forgiven.i deserve all that sindiran.but i dunt know how to make up to it.come on la ramadhans comin kan..marila bermaaf-maafan.hehe.wat im sayin is time flies too fast n there's soo many things goin on.i just dunno where to start...(cheh! another alasan.uhuu~)
ive been reminded on how lucky i am to be in my batch.yeah i always brag about them but seriously i cud never imagine being in other batches in dental school ukm.life's be less fun.last friday hussein called pizza delivery just now for lunch n man i really enjoy stuffing those fattening cheese.totally ignored my 1month diet-plan,its fasting month already.heh.talking bout ramadhan,this year, our annual buka puasa is gonna get a real twist when jason suggested that he wants to join us puasa for a day.he even want to bangun for sahur at 430."ill take the complete module" katernyer...followed by a whispered to himself.."man..can i actually DIE that day?" ahhaha.well jason,dunt worry u wont.
erm..ape lagi ek..haih stuck again..
owh since its ramadhan,per kater ill talk about foods!!hahahah
n yg takbley blah is air2 dier..mine was the bandung..n if u wanna try that ull have to tebalkan muka n say "bang,bagi saya air SODA GEMBIRA" ahahha.mmg euphoric ako minum(edd u seriously need a dose of those.wow it rhyme!! =P)
n last week kot me n iyas had and end to our kenny rogers crave.tgk ako mkn aper..ceaser salad beb.ahaaa.nie bari 1st week in the i-dunt-think-its-working 1mnth diet plan..
see wat i have the following week.urgh..my mom's famous mouth watering lontong..
tu bekfast baru..tak kire lunch agi..then balik kolej..
erm ape lagi stuff bende giler2 yg ako buat..herm actually byk...for example one of the weeknd we went to downtown.minum2 jus gelas besar..but we end up doing this
malu siout ako kalo tetibe korang dtg lalu kat tepi.ahahah.but i emphasis on the word WE okay..ecal,ria n even ijat pon wat samer.lawak jer kitorang..
n maser konvo ritu,we did konvoi.
its was soo soo much fun until this
nope dunt worry thats not mine.n its not that bad pon..
tgk leh bergigam nagn ako lagi.ahahah
n talking bout crazy stuff, me n my crazy frenz, starting out with this..
pasang videoclip jason mraz's im yours in lecture hall while waiting for next lecturer to come
the video n other pic is with zuhdi.ill put it up alter when i get my hand on those k.
fhew...its was seriously crazy but it was totally...............
wait for it................
p/s-to dental readers..u know ure awesome.n i know ure readin..leave some comments!!
pp/s-to medic 4th years,a sincere gudlak 4 ur exams!!!
ppp/s-to muslim all over the world,happy fasting!!!!